One Night Strahd - Co-Creator

One Night Strahd is a Platinum selling, 2022 ENnie Award-winning queer gothic horror adventure written by Jacob Kurzer and myself, and is a remix of the popular “Curse of Strahd” module for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition intended to be played either as a “spectacle event” over the course of one very long day, or split up into about four sessions. This book is now available Print-On-Demand on the DM’s Guild, and an actual play was performed in conjunction with the promotion of the book DM’d by Jasmine Bhullar and starring Alex Ward, Athena Palmer, Jen Kretchmer and Persephiroth. We also commissioned comedian Eleanor Morton, writer and actual play producer Superdillin, and musician Matt “Denkles” to do ads for us which were fantastic!

While all collaborative projects involve a lot of passing content back and forth to where the line on who created what or who had what input can blur pretty heavily, the parts of One Night Strahd which most clearly retain my fingerprints are in “This Place Is Trying To Kill You,” the puzzle portion of “The Tome of Lords,” the final battle with [SPOILER REDACTED] and the two hidden encounters “The Treasury” and “The Black Lagoon.” In our original iteration, all of the encounters were tackled by both of us. When we expanded the project, Jake took to redesigning more of the esoteric encounter and skill challenge designs, and my work was more focused on traditional encounter design and implementing new systems to help smooth transitions during the later part of the adventure to keep players engaged and the plot moving. I was also the initial tone editor as well as copy editor before the project became a professional endeavor.

“Coming Out of Mimiclandia,” a Mimicnomicon Project

I am very proud (no pun intended) to have worked on a Pride Month adventure for the fine folks over at Litlcord and absolute legend Bee Zelda! From the website:

Coming Out of Mimiclandia is a 5e adventure designed for an adventuring party of three to six characters of any level (though characters at levels 2-5 may find it most rewarding). When the players discover their prized possessions have been replaced with baby mimics, they’ll need to help these little creatures find their way home to Mother, the glamorous mimic matriarch. Along the way, they’ll travel to Mimiclandia, a bizarre, whimsical world where nothing is exactly as it seems, and grapple with their own weaknesses in a series of challenges relying on their weakest stats. Their journeys together should prove to both the characters and their baby mimic buddies that being bent out of shape is sometimes the best way to find your truest self.

You can buy it here!

“Kingdom of Slime”: A Down We Go Splatbook

After responding to an open call for content submissions for Plus One EXP’s go-to system “Down We Go,” Tony Vasinda very graciously offered me the opportunity to produce a project based on my pitch for their RPG Zine Club program. A number of particulars still need to be locked in before a formal announcement and synopsis can go here, but I can say that:

  1. There’s gonna be a lot of slime.

  2. There’s gonna be new character options, including a new Role, new hirelings, new items and more.

  3. Ways to incorporate this new place into existing games of Down We Go.

  4. Adventures and options featuring as-yet unreleased upgrades to the Down We Go system so that it will be forward compatible. (Oooooh, spooky, a teaser of oooother coooontent~~~)

Stay tuned to find out more! I hope you can all get your slimy little hands on it soon!